Why participate in IB?
The IB Diploma is internationally accepted, allowing flexibility and mobility.
IB is one of the best pre-university programs offered; studies have shown that IB students do the best out of any other group during their first year of college.
IB philosophy encourages the education of a well rounded student (see IB Learner Profile). The requirements involve education in all areas.
The IB philosophy is based on a college model: learning the subject in depth, concentrating on writing, research, and analysis. It is rigorous and rewarding.
Most university accepts IB credit towards graduation on an equal or better basis as AP credit.
To see studies affirming positive results of participation in the IB program, click here.
What are the admission criteria?
Hillcrest has an Open Enrollment Policy for the IB Program. Any student who is hard working, self disciplined, and motivated are encouraged to enroll. There are standards to maintain enrollment within the program. Click here for a New Student Registration Form.
Are IB students isolated from others?
No. IB students are involved in the same classes as other Hillcrest Huskies well as IB specific classes. They are fully integrated students of Hillcrest High School and can participate in any program within the school.
Can IB students be involved in other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the school?
Absolutely. At Hillcrest we are totally committed to each student having the opportunity to participate in as many areas of the school as they and/or their parents feel they can handle. There is much flexibility by faculty and staff and many options to open up schedule time for other classes of interest. CAS is specifically designed to ensure that this can happen.
Is the only option an IB Diploma?
No. Students have the option of three different pathways:​
the full curriculum for the IB Diploma Program (DP Candidate)
the full curriculum for the IB Career Program (CP Candidate)
Each pathway has different elements of emphasis and can be designed to meet the needs of any individual student and their educational plan.
Can a student leave the program once they start?
Yes. By meeting with the coordinator, the student, parent(s), and school can determine what will work best for the student. All IB courses coordinate with Utah State High School requirements and still fulfill requirements for a Utah State High School Diploma, so no time is lost towards graduation by taking IB courses.
What costs are associated with the IB Program?
Costs for 2018-2019:
Individual courses have a registration fee $172/year of course completion plus course fees ($118/course)
The full IB Diploma currently costs $880 total over the junior and senior years.
The full IB Career Program currently costs $408 total over the Junior and senior years plus Career-pathway enrollment and certification costs.
Based on the credit costs at university and other post-secondary institutions compared to possible credit awarded for IB course completions, as well as the preparation the IB program provides for the college atmosphere and expectations, the cost-benefits are huge.
Is financial aide available?
Yes. The IB testing fees are not waivable under Utah State law; however, there are other options the school provides for students to receive need-based financial aide for their IB fees.